NaNoWriMo Status Day 2

Making progress!

But didn’t get as much done as I would have liked.

First, before we get into progress, we have some happy changes today. This is due to the fact that I failed at math again and, now and then, failure can lead to good outcomes, or at least easier outcomes.

You see, I forgot to take my 12,478 word lead into account when I calculated the number of words I needed to write daily. This is good news as it reduces my daily word count goal to 2,251 - 2,418. That’s a bit more manageable than 2,600 to 2,800 words per day I was shooting for, though only by a slight degree. We’re still talking writing A LOT daily.

I’ve also decided to tweak my table by adding a column to show where I should be in regard to total word count. Here’s what I have now:

Total Word Goal
80,000 - 85,000
How many words I
should have so
Daily Word Goal
2,251 - 2,418
Total Chapter Goal
DateCurrent Word Countfar to be on trackWords written per dayCurrent Chapter
November 1st15,16214,8132,6844
November 2nd16,98117,1481,8195

I may tweak this table a bit more as time goes on too, if I come up with other elements worthy of tracking, or remember better HTML. (had to dust off some serious cobwebs to write that table code)

Regardless, as we can see by the numbers above, I fell a bit short today. There are a couple of reasons for this, the main one being that I’m writing a scene where I introduce five new characters and a new setting, none of which I had in my head beforehand. So, it’s taking me some time to work through establishing all that - and I still haven’t finished.

Then, the other problem I’m dealing with is significant pain in my hands and arms that’s causing me to have to take breaks from typing. I hadn’t considered that as a potential limitation when I got the idea to do this challenge, but it may turn out that it is to a degree. I hope not. Fingers crossed that’s not the case.

Either way, I’m pretty happy with my progress so far. I’m on Chapter 5 already and that feels good.


NaNoWriMo Status Day 3


NaNoWriMo Status Day 1