To Change the Ending or Not to Change the Ending?

Book endings are a bit of a conundrum, aren’t they? You have an ending in mind that you think is pretty good. Then, by the time you get to that part of the novel, you decide that too much has changed and the ending you had in mind won’t work, or it’s not good enough and you come up with something better, or your timing and triggers are off and you’ve completely screwed the pooch and need to revamp the whole thing - multiple times.

It’s not like I’d know from experience, or that my manuscript is now two weeks behind where I expected it to be because of any such scenarios. It’s not like I’ve rejiggered the last chapters more times than I can count, or like I wrote my characters into a situation I know absolutely nothing about. Or that, after writing my characters into a situation I know nothing about, I did research only to discover that what I thought would work totally won’t based on the laws of physics and common sense (if you understand the physics behind what I, ahem, some general person, didn’t know anything about).

Nope. None of that’s happened. Not at all. Things are right as rain - if you’re talking about deadly storms.

By the way, how do y’all feel about cliffhangers?


No Escaping Death


Answering the Publishing Question