Answering the Publishing Question
As many of you know, I’m working on the end of the second novel in Zelstrason’s Saga and, of course, I’m getting excited about completing it. Because of that, I’ve been mentioning it to people now and then. Unsurprisingly, this has resulted in some asking if the first novel is coming out any time soon, and the question has come up enough times now that I thought I should address it publicly. The answer depends on how you define “soon.”
Why Write?
Why write? Why not?
Well, I’ll tell you why not. The money. Yes, that’s right, the money, or lack of money if we want to be accurate. It’s shit. And when I say “shit,” I don’t mean that it sucks. No, no. I mean it’s pretty much non-existent for most authors. In fact, for many, writing and publishing is done at a loss.
Did I know this when I started writing my novel? Aww, hell no. Would I still have written it had I known?