NaNoWriMo Status Day 6

NaNoWriMo Status Day 6 - Made Goal - Victory

Finally hit my daily word count goal!

And then some.

Okay, okay, the “then some” isn’t excessive. Still, I wrote enough today that I’m only a day behind on my total word goal. That’s not bad. All I need is one smokin’ hot writing day where I’m just shredding the paper, or Word document as it were, and I’ll be on track.

Being realistic, something is far more likely to throw me off track. But, hey, I can be optimistic for a minute.

So, today’s writing was a reread and edit of the last chapter, and then a full dive into the next chapter. Thankfully, the characters in this scene have already been introduced as has the setting, which is why I got so much more written today. It was a heavy dialogue day, and dialogue is, by far, my favorite thing to write. If I could write a book with only dialogue, I’m pretty sure I would. And yes, the thought of writing screen plays has crossed my mind.

Nonetheless, I could probably write more today. But I didn’t get much sleep and my hands and arms are killing me. They most definitely protest robustly against excessive typing, and I’ve been at this all week with nearly no reprieve. To say I need a break would be an understatement. So, since I managed to hit goal today, I’m going to enjoy indulging in something I haven’t done in a while, some TV.

That said, here are my stats including today’s number. Isn’t it purdy?

Daily Word Goal
2,251 - 2,418
Total Word Goal
80,000 - 85,000
# needed
to be on track
DateWords writtenCurrent Word Countto meet goal
Nov 12,68415,16214,813
Nov 21,81916,98117,148
Nov 31,09318,07419,943
Nov 41,63519,70921,818
Nov 51,77721,48624,153
Nov 62,56424,05326,488

One final note:

My husband ran into me in the kitchen this evening and asked what I was doing there with surprise in his voice. I was a bit perplexed as to why this might surprise him, so I asked, “What do you mean?”

With wide-eyed incredulity, he replied, “Well, you’re not typing.”


NaNoWriMo Status Day 7


NaNoWriMo Status Day 5